Dermaviduals Skin Care now available at Medifine, Leeds
A one-size-fits-all product simply cannot address the unique concerns of every skin. Dermaviduals offers truly custom skin care solutions that are unique for all skin types and conditions. Dermaviduals is the appropriate skin care program for normal, sensitive and particularly for problem skin which is frequently susceptible to barrier and cornification disorders. dermaviduals offer a variety of active agents in combination with several base creams, which can be customized to meet individual skin care needs.
All dermaviduals products are free from emulsifiers, preservatives, parabens, frangrances mineral oils, silicones, colors and amines.
To understand why dermaviduals® products work – when other products don’t – requires an understanding of how our skin functions, and so, how it can be nurtured and repaired.
The Science Of Skin Care
What comprises a well-functioning permeability barrier? The permeability barrier consists of THREE KEY species of lipids: Cholesterol (CHOL), Free Fatty Acids (FFA) and Ceramides (CER). Each of these lipids carry out an important function within the epidermis, and they work together in a synergistic way not only to form a lamellar lipid structure, but also to initiate critical cellular processes within the epidermis. They are also essential to the water-proofing of the barrier. Not only must all three lipids be present for protection and functioning of the barrier, they must be present in the correct molar ratio.
The acid mantle is the skin’s first line of barrier defense. Healthy skin is acidic. A low pH indicates acidity while a high pH indicates alkalinity. Increases in pH leading to alkaline conditions can block lipid synthesis and result in failure of skin barrier defense systems. In addition, higher acidity reduces the growth of harmful bacterial infections on and in the skin. Reducing pH to create acidic conditions supports permeability barrier formation and repair, and turns off inflammatory processes within the epidermis.
Corneotherapy. dermaviduals® products offer treatments and therapies that keep the skin barrier in a state of homeostasis. This is known as Corneotherapy, or Skin Barrier Therapy, a skin treatment methodology that has proven it is possible to achieve a healthy skin by correcting and restoring the stratum corneum and barrier defense systems. The primary goals of Skin Barrier Therapy are to (1) Preserve and Protect; (2) Correct and Restore; and (3) Prevent Barrier-Related Skin Conditions.
Our Ingredients
dermaviduals® products are biomimetic. A true skin barrier formulation will always contain bio-identical chemical and physiological aspects of the stratum corneum so that all ingredients work in a synergistic fashion throughout the formulation and ultimately within the skin barrier itself. Based on the science of Corneotherapy, dermaviduals® offers exciting new Derma Membrane Structure (DMS®) formulations that contain the same physical and chemical characteristics of the permeability barrier. Unlike other skin care products that sit on top of the skin, dermaviduals® DMS® base creams and gels contain the proper ingredients, in the proper amounts and ratios, to actually mimic the stratum corneum and easily integrate with the skin’s lipids to correct and restore the barrier.
Normal Cream
dermaviduals® offers truly custom skin care solutions for all skin types and conditions.
Why dermaviduals® products work when other products claiming “barrier repair” do not…
Dermaviduals® DMS® products
- Keep skin’s surface pH (outer stratum corneum) acidic
- Use preparations consisting of CHOL, FFA, and CER in sufficient amounts and in the correct 1:1:1 Molar Ratio OR 3:1:1 Molar Ratio
- Mimic the skin’s physical and chemical structure and integrate with the permeability barrier to:
- Prevent moisture loss
- Restore protective antimicrobial functions and natural UVB filters
- DO NOT occlude the skin with mineral oils and other petro-based products
- DO NOT contain emulsifiers (or silicones or amines that often accompany them) that wash-out the lipid structures within the permeability barrier
- DO NOT contain preservatives, parabens, dyes or fragrances that irritate and cause inflammation
Other Products
- Prepared at an incorrect pH and/or strip away the skin’s natural acid mantle (impacts inflammatory skin conditions such as acne, rosacea, pigmentation and inflammatory pigmentation)
- Do not contain CHOL, FFA, or CER, or contain incomplete mixtures, insufficient amounts or improper ratios.
- Incomplete mixtures or incorrect ratios are ineffective to protect or restore the barrier.
- No ceramides, or insufficient ceramides, is particularly problematic in treating dermatitis or photo-damaged skin.
- No supporting data for claims of “barrier repairâ€
- Often use emulsifiers as a base
- Often contain occlusive ingredients such as mineral oils and other petro-based products
- Often contain preservatives, parabens, dyes, and fragrances
To arrange a consultation please call 01132253938 or to view the product please visit the Medifine Online Shop now.