The Anma Massage Tool By Jane Mann world leader in facia facial massage.



Anma is an elegant facial massage tool for pro-aging, to relieve muscular tension restricted fascia, increase circulation and minimise tension lines. This tool can be used daily with your skincare routine it will help address superficial and deep fascia.

Utilizing an ancient Japanese massage technique, the Anma (Awn-Mah) massage tool is used for lymphatic drainage and fascia release. Fascia is an important protective layer of connective tissue around your muscles. Unfortunately, with time it can get a little too stiff and tough. The Anma’s perfect shapes and contours help give these tissues a luxurious massage. It can be used to massage the entire body.

What is fascia?

The face has two layers of fascia. In the face, the most superficial layer controls minute facial contractions or movements. The deeper layer connects the skin to muscle and fat and forms the “girdle” of facial muscles.

Superficial fascia is the layer of connective tissue right under the skin on the face. It acts as the support and infrastructure for your skin and is responsible for giving it lift and tone. It can also carry a lot of tension and adhesions that restrict circulation of blood and lymph.

This device can release sustained pressure to loosen and lengthen constricted fascia. It breaks down adhesions between the tissues and softens and re-aligns them, freeing up muscles and allowing easier and more effective movement.

Perfect to use before skincare or at home device such as microneedling.



For fascia to release more quickly, it’s best to use it while your body is warm, such as after a shower, an exercise session, or time spent in a sauna. Although it might seem like working the surface of the skin over very rigorously might produce the best results, the opposite is actually true. The more lightly you use the Anma, the more deeply the fascia releases.

The Anma should be used with very light pressure and can be used with a number of different mediums.

Forehead & Scalp

Hold the Anma and massage the forehead lightly, vertically and horizontally. Move all the way up to the scalp. Repeat the movement for 3 minutes, or until the skin becomes warm.



Sandwich the brow between the fingers of the Anma and move back and forth gently in a windshield wiper motion. After you feel the tension in this area release, press the thumbs of the Anma into the pressure points of the eye area. Repeat the first and second process until you feel the tension in this area lessen. Massage under the eye along the orbital rim by gently moving the Anma towards the temples.


Mid Face (Jaw/Cheek/Chin)

Move the Anma lightly back and forth over the cheekbone and up and down the side of the jaw. If you have TM issues, you can slowly increase the pressure to help relieve any tightness in this area. Next try pressing the thumb of the Anma into the pressure point of the jaw. Hold a few seconds then move gently up and down.


Lower Face & Neck

First stimulate the jawline by using the handle of Anma to gently sweep down the neck towards the collarbones. Repeat till you feel the tension release in this area. Then to finish rub the fingers of the Anma in gentle circular motions above the collarbone moving towards the outside of the body.


SHOP HERE – Jane Mann | Anma | Medifine Skin Clinic